This page contains succinct summaries of select recently published cancer-related epigenetics research. The information posted here is frequently updated, so please bookmark this page and visit us to read the latest news at your leisure.

Cancer Epigenetics – The JMJD2A-ETV1-YAP1 triangle in prostate cancer. Histone demethylase JMJD2A (KDM4A) correlates with Gleason Score and metastasis in prostate cancer in patients, fuels prostate cancer cell growth in culture, and drives prostate tumorigenesis in mouse models. The ETS transcription factor ETV1, a frequent oncogenic chimeric fusion gene in prostate cancer, recruits JMJD2A to YAP1, a gene associated to tumor aggressiveness, wherein JMJD2A catalyzes promoter histone demethylation and YAP1 gene activation (Ralf Janknecht and coll., University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, USA).